My first attempt at light painting – Tree of Light

Was in Maddur last week, stuck on the terrace of a farm-house, star-gazing with a bunch of stoners. Suddenly a bright idea hits Arthur, my close buddy, to try some light painting. The first tree we attempted was a big fat fail. The next shot was much better, the Tree of Light.

Tree of Light

Lots of factors went in favour for this particular shot. Call it co-incidence, or pure stoner luck!

The moon hadn’t risen as yet. There was no power, so it was pitch dark round all around. The red glow beyond the trees happens to be from the town of Maddur located a few kilometres away. The absence of light also meant that the stars would stand out quite visibly.

My camera couldn’t do justice to the stars either. It was like a black carpet with white shimmering dots scattered as far as the eye could see. The light source we used was a pretty strong emergency light, which I’m sure hid some of the stars behind the tree.

We couldn’t take the bottom of the tree as it would mean lighting up other flora around it. The bark wasn’t particularly visible either.

If your interested in the settings, it was a 30 sec shot, with aperture f8, and ISO of 100. Auto white balance as I wasn’t sure myself what to use. Bebin is the man, if you want a steady hand to paint objects with light. He painted the tree you see in the pic.



  1. vishalrathod76 March 12, 2013 at 2:10 pm

    Super Duper Neil . What a picture Neil .
    Travel India

    1. Neil Dsouza March 13, 2013 at 12:37 pm

      Haha thanks Vishal. I myself don’t know how super it is 😀 Was just experimenting you see..

  2. jahidakhtar March 13, 2013 at 6:19 pm




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