
Workshop with Chris Jarosz in Bangalore

Tarantismo has this awesome oppurtunity to work with the ‘So you think you can dance’ star Chris Jarosz. We had special classes with him over the last 2 days, and its been a huge leap in learning and understanding dance. And hence we decided to keep this Workshop with Chris Jarosz in Bangalore to share this knowledge with everyone in the dance genre.

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Have we started preferring images to the experience?

Photography now has become a commodity now, unlike how it was about 10 years ago. There’s a camera in everyone’s pocket these day. Shoot, upload and share seems to be the latest mantra. I know I’m not that old in the field myself, but that’s beside the point. A retrospective look at recent concerts and weddings have made me think : Have we started preferring images to the experience?

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Skirt the issue

Calling all the men out there (India) to come out and take a stand against the violence against women. An awareness drive started by my good friend Samarpita, to engage in conversation, storytelling, and share our insights into crimes or violation against women. To stop this idea of blaming the victim and to skirt the issue.

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The new years challenge

This post is about a week late, and will take another week or so to start taking effect. Reasons being work and exhaustion. December is usually quite a hectic month for a wedding photographer/videographer. And now rehearsals have begun for the Artists in Action dance festival in Mumbai.

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